Thursday, August 21, 2008


While in college, I ran with a crowd who was rather obsessed with the satirical "religion" called The Church of the Subgenius.  I don't even want to link to it, as it predates The Dawn of Al Gore's Internet, and the whole thing is, well, sophomoric, like something to do in college. Anyway.  A core principle of its belief system revolves around the concept of "slack".  That is, free stuff.

Well, slack has been raining down like manna from heaven for the past 24 hours, with no sign of stopping.  

  • A Burning Man ticket fell into my lap.  After much consternation, I am going to go.  Once a decade, whether I need it or not!  
  • A ride with a dear friend materialized, saving me from needing to ride with a chakra-yogic stranger.
  • A 32" TV was just offered to me for free.  No more DVDs on the computer screen!  It's old-school, but who cares?
  • I have access to a PARKING SPACE in SF tomorrow if I need it for a thing I need to go do; this is invaluable.
  • And the most recent bit of slack that came my way was a receipt with the cafe wireless code on it, which I am of course going to leave here for the next person who happens along.
Unfortunately, slack can only be achieved when one does nothing for it, so it cannot extend to my job interview tomorrow.  But I am taking all of this slack as a sign that things are good in the world, and will use this attitude go in there tomorrow and assume the best!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In or Out?

Yesterday, my mailbox fell apart.  

I put the key into the lock, where it promptly got stuck.  Really stuck.  This key wasn't disengaging, not on my watch.  So I started unscrewing the mechanism from the inside, at which point I became intimately familiar with how much I do not know about locks.  I soon found myself on the dusty porch, chasing tiny little metal cylinders (are those the tumblers?), trying to place them back into the lock (now freed of the key).  I learned that you can't just put any length cylinder wherever it fits.  I made my best guess and now the lock sort of works.

Something similar happened to me last year, when the house lock got stuck, fortunately in the "open" position with the door open (as opposed to not being able to open the door at all).  There weren't any little cylinders falling all over the place that time, though, just a door that I couldn't close.

I'm sure there's a tarot card or astrological sign or rune or something that's trying to tell me to stay in or out of this or that place, or maybe it's trying to tell me that I need to take a locksmithing course.