Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So Far, So Good

California is experiencing a pretty severe water shortage.

Obama gets sworn in, and 24 hours later it's raining.

He's also initiated a salary freeze for top government officials.

I like this guy already.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

I was getting sort of giddy this morning and was a tad anxious for the speeches and all, when I looked at my lesson plan and saw a bunch of stuff about Language Arts and Spelling. Thanks to the internet, I knew I'd be watching the Inauguration later, at my leisure. Who needs actual history when you've got RealPlayer?

Our curriculum did include a book about what it takes to become president. During the discussion that followed, a second grade girl raised her hand and said, "My dad says Barack Obama is going to raise taxes."

All I could think was, "Your dad must be doing aok."

Several repetitions later, I had a pretty clear idea of who her dad had voted for. I threw something in about how taxes are necessary, and where, exactly, they come from is another matter, and that's when I think she said it again, " one hundred dollars!"

A few months ago, a little boy asked me if McCain, regarded as the epitome of all that is evil by first graders 'round these parts, was involved in the sale of cigarettes, while his classmate informed me that she personally had voted for Obama. As a hippie liberal and former tobacco educator, the cigarette comment has made it into my Top Ten Wacky Classroom Experiences list.

I can say without hesitation that the vast majority of the parents in this town are Democrats.

Speaking of all things that are hippie liberal, I came across this cool thing on the NY Times website, outlining the most frequent words used in past inaugural addresses.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I have startitis.  It's okay - I don't need a pill or to drink lots of soup or anything like that.

I just started a pair of fingerless gloves that have been commissioned.  Payment has already been rendered - a couple of extra balls of yarn and some needles, and the fact that the commissioner is super-excited.

I am also planning on starting a Clapotis for mom, out of yarn that's in the middle of going exactly nowhere.  I really should finish the scarf I'm working on for dad before starting this, but the more the merrier, right?

Never mind the fact that I am firmly in the middle of several, nay, multiple projects ("several" is putting it too lightly), and I just sent a message to a woman who is looking to get rid of a bunch of bright-red cotton/linen yarn, because this yarn wants to be a bright-red bathroom curtain.

If only there was such a thing as finishitis!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Girls Will Be Girls

Girl A and Girl B are having "issues". Girls A and B are in fourth grade.

This can't possibly end well.

Girl A is sniffling over something Girl B has said, and says her feelings are really hurt. I, a girl myself and having recently read an entire book about how girls are mean to each other, get down at her eye-level and thoughtfully explain how boys just duke it out when they have an issue, and then it's over. Girls...well, girls get mean when they're mad, but that can hurt even more than getting hit, can't it?

She tearfully agrees.

A little while later, Girl C reports that Girl B has said something mean about Girl A. Before I can finish saying, "Girl B..." in an exasperated tone, Girl B reports that Girl A tried to slug her.

Perhaps this needs to be revisited tomorrow.

Sometimes, it's All About the Little Things

I just put the recycling bag under the kitchen sink, meaning it is no longer sitting next to the refrigerator.

This is going to change everything.

Thursday, January 8, 2009