Friday, March 20, 2009


I am quite devastated that the Parkway Theater is closing. Like, really, really sad. Under very sudden, mysterious circumstances. I went there tonight and harshed the mellows of the folks behind me who were wondering why the heck the lines were so extreme and wow this movie must be the bomb. "Er, the movie has nothing to do with it..." Said movie (The Wrestler) sold out while we were still in line. I'll try again tomorrow for a matinee.

I am almost (but not quite) as equally disturbed by the fact that my third graders were quite surprised when informed that the Mayflower Pilgrims couldn't simply pop into Walmart to pick up supplies. They also didn't realize that electricity wasn't in widespread use in the 1600's. One of them astutely noted that Ben Franklin hadn't "invented" it yet.

Where are the question and answer books? The Little House series? What else are they teaching every year when they make paper turkeys?

We are all doomed.