Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Stuff of Nightmares

...or at least posts about annoying little things in life.

Electric pencil sharpeners?  Bad news!  Oh sure, they save time, they're kind of fun to use, and the manual ones tend to jam, but get one of these things in a room full of schoolchildren, and the resulting effect is that of an entire day of "zzZZZZzzzzz ....zzzZZZZZZzzzzz ....zzZZZZZZzzzzz!!!"

I'm not even making up the magnitude of this annoyance, as evidenced by an entire thread about electric pencil sharpeners on a sub teacher forum.  I have since found even more references to this issue, sprinkled among countless lists of things that challenge the sensibilities, including issues like arm-tapping and tattling.

I've started instituting "Okay, you have one minute to sharpen pencils!" instructions, because after one day of having kids up and down for the entire class period with that noise, I had to do something

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