Monday, June 16, 2008

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

Just as my substitute teacher dance card was filling every day, the clock struck midnight and the ball ended.  I am now once again an unemployed pumpkin.  This is actually sort of good, as I was getting a little too comfortable in a unsustainable position.

In an attempt to not reinvent the wheel every time I write a cover letter, I crib as much as I can from past cover letters.  This is a great idea, except while looking at past cover letters and their overabundance of 25-cent words, well, it's no wonder nobody has hired me and my big mouth yet.  I'm not intentionally using 25-cent words...they just sort of come out when they happen to be the best words to express idea x, y, or z.

We'll have no more of that!  No more proper idea expression!  Humph!

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