I just started a pair of fingerless gloves that have been commissioned. Payment has already been rendered - a couple of extra balls of yarn and some needles, and the fact that the commissioner is super-excited.
I am also planning on starting a Clapotis for mom, out of yarn that's in the middle of going exactly nowhere. I really should finish the scarf I'm working on for dad before starting this, but the more the merrier, right?
Never mind the fact that I am firmly in the middle of several, nay, multiple projects ("several" is putting it too lightly), and I just sent a message to a woman who is looking to get rid of a bunch of bright-red cotton/linen yarn, because this yarn wants to be a bright-red bathroom curtain.
If only there was such a thing as finishitis!
I want to catch finishitis too! And maybe even startitis...
Dare I even suggest this... but for the clap, I heard someone say if you just purl all the stitches that will be dropped, you don't need stitch markers and can go faster?
Yeah, I am so not knitting another one myself, and I hesitate to mention this in the event that you have forgotten that you are not a k2tog pass the cake girl, and the spreadsheet you made for the first clap...
but there, I mentioned it anyway. Bad, bad me.
I *so* pass the cake! I've even figured out how to pass the cake whilst doing lace, fergoshsakes...It's gotta be blatant before I care, though I do admit caring slightly more if the item isn't destined to stay with me.
I did purl the dropped stitches with my existing Clap, and I agree - this method is the way to go.
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