Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Maybe Some Outside Pressure Will Help...

Here I am, reporting from sunny Seattle, Washington, hoping that a little public pressure will help me get my master's project done. I'm still not quite sure whether or not there should be an apostrophe in "master's" (or is it "masters"?), and I only really get concerned when it's going to some academic agency, or to people being interviewed, because I like to at least look smart.

To quote Bart Simpson, "s-m-r-t".

I'm a graduate student in Cognitive Studies at the University of Washington. I have a work history at interactive science museums, which present a pretty neat professional scene. I'm a dancer, an improviser, an ersatz chef, and, most recently, a rather avid knitter. So avid that I did a project on my own knitterly learning process as it relates to speech and the work of Lev Vygotsky (an educational psychologist so influential that some people insist he's from The Future...reading his work, I'm starting to agree) in a class last quarter. It's actually been fascinating looking at my growing yarny competence through academic eyes!

It's actually a little embarrassing to lay out all that I've made since starting mid-September. I've been on a bit of a "finishing frenzy" for the past day or so, as I can't really start up anything new until I've finished what's already on the needles. Which is a lot.

I've been having a devil of a time with one particular project, ripping it out multiple times, reknitting this and that, binding off more than once...for a four-year old. And her parents are the nicest, most non-judgemental people ever. So I don't know what my deal is. I'll scramble together some photos soon.

And now I really need to read an article!

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