Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Herding Cats

You'd think that first graders would be pretty easy.  In reality a day spent with first graders is a day of cat-herding.  They are very into their routines, and have a hard time if things are a little different. 

Like, for example, if they have a substitute teacher who might not be familiar with every nuance of every moment of every day.  They get a little stressed out.

I've also discovered that they respond only to very specific words.  The lesson plans called for a practice spelling test.  I thought "test" sounded a little hardcore, so I wrote down that we were having a "quiz".

Child: "Quiz?  We don't have quizzes."
Me: "Do you have tests?"
Child: "Yes."
Me: "Okay, we're having a test."
Child: "Oh, okay."

They seem to enjoy upsetting each other by calling names.  Here's an example:

Child (crying): "He called me a BURRITO!"
Me: "Well, are you a burrito?"
Child (sniffling): "No..."
Me: "Then don't listen to him."

One of the kids says he's getting me a ring for Valentine's Day.  I was hoping for a special valentine this year...I just didn't think it'd come in the form of a Transformers card.

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