Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This is the Reason I Don't Give My Friends with Children Toys That Make Noise

Heard as I was subbing in the media center today:
*annoying electronic chirp chirp chirp*

"What's that noise?"
"It's that book."
"I think I'm done with that book."

Dear readers, never, ever, ever give your friends with children gifts that make an electronic noise.  An instrument or some blocks to pound against one another, now that's one thing, but something that goes *beep beep beep*...just say no.

Also heard today:
"I'm going to follow you around now."
That was nipped in the bud.

All in all, however, the day in the media center was pretty chill, especially since I'd been up coughing half the night, with lucid dreams of having to read out loud all day, thereby doing my barely-hanging-on-voice in for good.  No reading out loud today, just some minor chirping books.

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